Using the Internet for Chemistry

Getting on the web

  1. Hardware Requirements
    1. Computer (486 or faster PC, comperable MAC)
    2. Modem (14.4 or faster) and Phone line
  2. Software (commercial vendors)
    1. Providors (ie: AOL, Compuserve, Prodigy)
    2. Internet Access (ie: netcom)
    3. SLIP or PPP connection

Using Netscape (or any other browser)

  1. URL
  2. Bookmark
  3. HTML
  4. Helper Applications
  5. Plug In Applicaitons
  6. Netscape

Searching the Web

  1. Yahoo (Like a Table of Contents)
  2. Alta Vista (Like an Index)

Useful Sites


  1. Science Magazine Online
  2. Nature Magazine Online


  1. The Houghton Mifflin Resource Site for Instructors of Chemistry


  1. ACS
  2. Nobel Prize Foundation
  3. NASA Homepage
  4. NIST Homepage
  5. WMO (World Meterological Organization)
  6. The Why Files
  7. EPA

Chemistry Stuff

  1. Web Elements
  2. Learning Matters in Chemistry
  3. MSDS on the web
  4. VSEPR
  5. VSEPR with plug-in
  6. STM Images
  7. CODATA Values
  8. Vernier Software
  9. Visualizing Molecules

The Environment

  1. Global Warming Update
  2. Air Pollution (Wilson)
  3. EPA Ozone Depletion
  4. CO2 Information Analysis Center
  5. NASA, Mission to Planet Earth
  7. Understanding our Planet Through Chemistry (USGS)

More Lists of Sites

  1. Ralph Logan
  2. Knut Irgum
  3. Global Instructional Chemistry
  4. K-12 Environmental Resources
  5. ChemEd Chemistry Education Resources
  6. Scott Van Bramer's Bookmarks
  7. Tom O'Haver

This page is maintained by
Scott Van Bramer
Department of Chemistry
Widener University
Chester, PA 19013

Please send any comments, corrections, or suggestions to

This page has been accessed times since 1/5 /96 .
Last Updated 8/12/96