Unknown 10, Mass Spectrum

m/z count m/z count
10 2 76 8764.3
15 27239.6 77 68315.4
16 838.2 78 30729
17 433.6 79 57773
18 9553.7 80 3126.4
26 859.8 89 9189
27 19999.7 90 17755.5
28 22882.9 91 363961
29 13522.9 92 31045.1
32 5831.3 93 427.1
38 1666.3 102 12021.9
39 45744.3 103 37588.8
40 4065.2 104 10243.3
41 92701.7 105 8122.3
42 3804.6 115 30007.4
50 16448.6 116 7431.9
51 34938.7 117 22330.6
52 11999.6 118 33207.5
53 8394.5 119 627788
55 5250.1 120 69840.1
56 423.4 121 2292.1
57 16555.4 133 8864.6
58 15270.8 134 175974
59 1955.3 135 20811.1
62 4120.7 153 825
63 16286.8 175 19908.7
64 4747.9 176 891.6
65 29031.3 190 1328.2
66 1290.5
74 6872
75 6695.2

This page is maintained by
Scott Van Bramer
Department of Chemistry
Widener University
Chester, PA 19013

Please send any comments, corrections, or suggestions to svanbram@science.widener.edu.

This page has been accessed times since 1/1/97.
Last Updated Wednesday, October 21, 1998 4:13:29 PM