Summary of HETCOR Data

C (ppm) H (ppm) Type Integration Splitting Comments
202.7 9.75 CH 0.5 triplet This peak is folded in the Hetcor spectrum and observed at 0.7 on the proton axis and 38 on the carbon axis. Carbon and proton shift consistent with aldehyde. Proton splitting shows connected to CH2
131.6 none C     quaternary carbon
124.0 5.1 CH 0.8 triplet
carbon and proton shift consistent with C=C
50.9 2.4
CH2 0.9
Complex multiplet and two different sets of peaks indicate that CH2 protons are not equilevent.
36.9 1.4 CH2 2.8 multiplet  
27.7 2.1 CH ? multiplet Peaks at 2.1 and 2.0 overlap, 2.1 shows structure, 2.0 is very broad. total integration is 3.1 This is consistent with CH at 2.1 and CH2 at 2.0
25.6 1.6 CH3 2.5 doublet splitting only 1 Hz
25.4 2.0 CH2 ? broad Peaks at 2.1 and 2.0 overlap, 2.1 shows structure, 2.0 is very broad. total integration is 3.1. This is consistent with CH at 2.1 and CH2 at 2.0
19.8 0.9 CH3 3.0 doublet  
17.6 1.7 CH3 2.5 doublet splitting only 1 Hz