1. H-1 NMR Data
    1. Experimental Description - 300 MHz proton NMR. 90 degree pulse.
    2. Spectral Interpretation
      1. Splitting Patterns, indicate number of protons on adjacent carbons.
      2. Integration, indicates relative number of protons.
      3. Chemical Shift (ppm), indicates chemical environment.

  2. C-13 NMR Data
    1. Experimental Description - 75 MHz Carbon NMR. Proton decoupled.
    2. Spectral Interpretation
      1. Chemical Shift (ppm), indicates chemical environment.
      2. These are decoupled spectra so no splitting information is present.
      3. Notice solvent peak (CDCl3) at ca 77 ppm.
      4. Quaternary carbon's frequently give small peaks.
      5. Acquisition conditions NOT optimized for integration

  3. COSY NMR Data
    1. Experimental Description - 2D Corelation Spectroscopy Experiment.
    2. Spectral Interpretation - The COSY spectrum plots proton vs proton. The 1D spectrum is plotted along each axis. The 2D data consists of the matrix diagonal(not very useful), and the cross peaks. These peaks show which protons (from the diagonal) are coupled.