About this site

The examples provided here were selected to demonstrate the structural information available from different NMR experiments. The NMR spectra were aquired with the Widener University GE QE-300.

About the Experiments. Spectra are available for a variety of different NMR techniques. Selecting an NMR experiment displays the spectrum, the molecular structure, and a brief description of the experiment. Selecting a peak highlights appropriate atoms in the molecule, and changes the displayed text. (If the pointer is over a feature the statusline will change).

This web page was designed for Netscape 3.01 with a 600x800 display and uses javascript. Viewing this document on other systems may produce unpredictable results.

All data were collected the Widener University QE-300 NMR with Charm data acquisition software. The files were downloaded to a PC and processed using NUTS (Demo copy available from Acorn NMR).

Nuts files. The orignal FID and the processed spectra are available from the Widener University Science Division FTP site. The NUTS files may also be processed with MESTRE_C, a freeware NMR processing program.

JCAMP-DX files. The original spectra are also available in JCAMP-DX format. These may be viewed with a plugin for Windows 95 or using JCAMP-DX as a helper application.

This page is designed to introduce students to different NMR techniques used for structural determination. I use these spectra as examples in the Advanced Spectroscopy course that I teach at Widener University.

Information about helper applications used at this site and instructions for installation.

This page is maintained by

Scott Van Bramer
Department of Chemistry
Widener University
One University Place
Chester, PA 19013

Please send any comments, corrections, or suggestions to svanbram@science.widener.edu.
Last Updated Tuesday, June 03, 1997 16:33:14
This page has been accessed times since 6/2/97.