
  1. Roll and opening remarks (stand, name and home when called)
  2. Expectations
    1. Hard Work
    2. Ask Questions

  3. Calculator (Must have EE (EXP), ln, ex, log, 10x, yx)
  4. Syllabus
    1. Textbook
    2. Cheating
    3. Schedule
    4. Attendance
    5. Grading
      1. Homework
      2. Quiz
      3. Final
    6. Office Hours
    7. Web Resources (Show on Laptop)

  5. How to do well
    1. Study and work habits
    2. Read the book (discuss how)
    3. Problems
      1. Practice Problems
      2. Review Problems (end of chapter, assigned)
      3. Solutions
    4. Go To Class
    5. Exams
    6. CD-ROM

  6. Course Schedule
  7. University Resources
    1. RAS Center (Pineapple House, 499-1271)
    2. Math Center, Academic Center North, room 273. M-F 10:00-4:00 M-Th 7:00-9:00 pm
    3. Place Day Time
      RAS Center (Pineapple House) Weekdays 9-5
      Tutoring (RAS Center) M - Th 6-9
      Math Center, ACN 273 M-F




  8. Practice Problems:
    1. Convert the following to the base SI unit and write in scientific notation:
      1. The length of a C-C bond, 154 pm
      2. The distance to the moon, 320 Mm
      3. Distance to the beach, 200 km
      4. Weight of a car, 1500 kg
      5. Cup of coffee, 150 ml
    2. What is the speed of light (2.9979x108 m sec-1) in km per hour and miles per hour?

This page is maintained by
Scott Van Bramer
Department of Chemistry
Widener University
Chester, PA 19013

Please send any comments, corrections, or suggestions to

This page has been accessed times since 1/5 /96 .
Last Updated 1/5/96