Chapter 2 Lecture Outline

Imaging and Moving Individual Atoms

Modern Atomic Theory and the Laws That Led to It

  1. Democritus
  2. John Dalton; Atoms, Elements, and Compounds
  3. Lavoisier, Law of Conservation of Matter
  4. Proust, Law of Constant Composition or Law of Definit Proportions
  5. Atomic Model (Video)
  6. Electricity (Video)
  7. Radioactivity (Video)
  8. Protons
  9. Neutrons (Chadwick)
  10. Rutherford, the Nucleus of the Atom (Video)

The Discovery of the Electron.

  1. JJ Thompson - Cathode Ray Tube (Video)
  2. Millikan - Oil Drop Experiment (Video)

The Structure of the Atom.

Subatomic Particles: Protons, Neutrons and Electrons in Atoms.

Subatomic Particles
Particle Charge Mass Symbol Significance
Proton +1 1 u  1p1 Atomic Number
Neutron 0 1 u 1n0 # neutron + # proton = isotope mass
Electron -1 0 u (0.0005485799 u) 0e-1 charge of atom

Finding Patterns: The Periodic Law and the Periodic Table.

  1. Example of Periodic Trends, Alkali Metals reacting with water (The Chemistry Set CD-ROM)
    1. Lithium in Water video clip
    2. Sodium in Water video clip
    3. Potassium in Water video clip
    4. Rubidium in Water video clip
    5. Cesium in Water video clip

  2. Basic Outline
    1. Groups
    2. Periods
    3. Arrangement of Elements
    4. Reactivity

  3. Names of Regions
    1. Metals and Non-Metals
    2. Alkali Metals
    3. Alkaline Earth Metals
    4. Halogens
    5. Nobel Gas
    6. Main Group
    7. Transition Metals
    8. Inner Transition Metals
    9. Diatomic
    10. Metals/Non-Metals

  4. Properties of Groups and Periods
    1. Reactivity
    2. Physical Properties
    3. Oxide Formulas
    4. Hydrogen Formulas

  5. Electronic Basis for Similarity

Atomic Mass: The Average Mass of an Element's Atoms.

  1. Video
  2. Mass Spectrometry (overhead)
  3. High Resolution Mass Spectrometer
  4. Number of protons, neutrons, and electrons in examples

Molar Mass: Counting Atoms by Weighing Them.

  1. The mole as a counting unit
    1. Definition of the mole
    2. 1 C-12 atom mass 12 u (unified atomic mass units)
    3. 1 mole C-12 mass 12 g
    4. 1 mole = 6.022136736 x 1023 items
    5. u atom-1 = g mole-1
  2. Avogadro's Number
  3. mole, mass, and quantity conversions

  1. Lecture Problems

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Scott Van Bramer
Widener University
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