Bridgeweek HTML and WWW Workshop

Bridgeweek 1997

Using the World Wide Web for Teaching

This workshop will introduce ways that the World Wide Web is used for teaching. This will include an introduction to faculty resources available on the Web, student resources on the Web and how to find and use these resources for teaching. After showing why the Web is useful, the workshop will conclude with an introduction to creating web documents.

Creating Documents on the World Wide Web

In this advanced worship you will create a Web document. The workshop will cover the basics of HyperText Markup Language (HTML), how to use an HTML editor and HTML translators. After this workshop you will be ready to create a web page for your classes. Enrollment is limited to 12.

Other Help with the WWW

This document was prepared by
Scott Van Bramer
Widener University
Department of Chemistry
Last Updated: Friday, May 10, 1996

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