- Single Frequency Signal
- Generate|Tone
- Set Sampling Rate at 6000 Hz
- Set Base Frequency at 1000 Hz
- Set First Overtone to 100%
- Set Higher Frequency Components to 0%
- Set duration to 10 sec
- OK
- Multiply by a decay to approximate an FID (Transform|Envelope|Decay)
- Play
- Frequency Analysis, FT Signal (Options|Frequency Analysis|Scan)
- Effect of Acquisition Time
- File New Instance
- Generate a tone with a duration of 0.1 sec
- Apply Envelope
- Play
- Frequency Analysis
- Compare to previous signal (Note dB is a log scale and causes unusual peak shape)
- Digitizing Rate (Dwell Time)
- File New
- Generate a tone (1 sec) at 1000 and 10,000 Hz. Add second frequency component at (x10).
- Play
- FT Signal
- Change digitizing rate (Edit|Adjust Sampling Rate) to 32000 Hz
- Generate tone
- Apply Envelope
- Play
- Frequency Analysis
- Noise
- Edit Copy
- File New
- Generate White Noise
- Play
- Frequency Analysis
- Add Signal to noise (Edit|Past Special)
- Play
- Frequency Analysis (Notice signal and background levels)
- Apply Envelope
- Play
- Frequency Analysis (Compare signal and background levels)
- Sampling Frequency Demonstration.
Open File (sample.wav). This file was generated by adding together a series of waves. All waves were produced to include 400, 4000, 8000, and 12000 Hz tones, but the sampling rates were changed. The sampling rate was 6000 Hz for the first 2 seconds, 11025 Hz for the second 2 seconds, 22050 for the third 2 seconds, and 32000 for the last 2 seconds. As the waveform plays you can hear the additional frequency components as the sampling rate increases. Also select different regions for the frequency analysis.
This page is maintained by
Scott Van Bramer
Department of Chemistry
Widener University
Chester, PA 19013
Please send any comments, corrections, or suggestions to
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times since 1/5 /96 .
Last Updated Monday, May 26, 1997 11:53:55.