Heat Transfer-water and another substance

This page deals with heat transfer resulting from samples of water and another material initially at different temperatures. The problems are randomly generated when you press the "New Problem" button. When you do so, data will will appear in four of the cells. Fill in the empty cell and press "Check Answer." The results are displayed in the second table which will tell you whether you got the correct answer or not and keeps a running total of your score. If you get a question wrong, you should redo and recheck your answer. Getting new problems is just a matter of pressing the "New Problem" button at any time.
Water Second sample
Mass(g) Ti Mass(g) Ti SpHt(J/g-deg)

Results Total Done Total Correct

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These problems are provided courtesy of Prof. George Wiger (gwiger@chemistry.csudh.edu) at California State University, Dominguez Hills.

Please direct any questions about this site to Please send comments or suggestions to svanbram@science.widener.edu

Scott Van Bramer
Department of Chemistry
Widener University
Chester, PA 19013

This page has been accessed times since 9/1 /98 .

Last Updated: Tuesday, September 01, 1998 11:12:46 AM