Nomenclature of Simple Binary Compounds-Formulas to Names

This is a basic exercise in naming simple binary compounds. Since its effective use requires analysis of text input there are some basic rules:


1. Pressing "Display Spellings" will open a window containing the spellings used for the polyatomic ions on this page. The user should refer to periodic tables or other sources for spelling of elements.
2. Pressing "New Compound" causes a small window to appear with a formula, an empty cell and a "Check Answer" button.
3. Enter the name of the compound in the cell.
4. Press "Check Answer."
5. Detailed results and score appear in the table on the top page.
6. If you get all or part of the name incorrect, you may go back and correct your answer and resubmit it.
Results Total Correct

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These problems are provided courtesy of Prof. George Wiger ( at California State University, Dominguez Hills.

Please direct any questions about this site to Please send comments or suggestions to

Scott Van Bramer
Department of Chemistry
Widener University
Chester, PA 19013

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Last Updated: Tuesday, September 01, 1998 11:12:46 AM