How to use NUTS (Brief)
For more details see How to use NUTS (detailed).
- Start the program by double clicking on the Nuts Icon.
- Open your data file [GA]. Select your data file from Data directory and Open the data file.
- If importing a TecMag MacNMR file NUTS does not correctly import O1 variable.
- Set O1 Offset [O1] to O1 - 1/2 SW. Expected values are given below for standard acquisition settings.
- H-1 1485.7 Hz
- C-13 6446.5 Hz
- DEPT 8446.5 Hz
- Processing Proton Data
- Baseline correct your spectrum [BC].
- Fourier transform your spectrum [FT].
- Phase correct your spectrum [AP].
- Set the chemical shift scale
- zoom so largest peak is TMS
- Set Zero [SZ]
- Zoom Routine [ZO] or double click.
- Select region <left click>
- expand <right click> and drag
- Full spectrum <right click>
- Integrate your spectrum [AI].
- Print out your spectrum [PL].
- Processing Carbon Data
- Baseline correct your spectrum [BC].
- (S/N Enhancement)
- Set line broadening [LB]
- Exponential Multiplication [EM]
- Fourier transform your spectrum [FT].
- Phase correct your spectrum [AP].
- Set the chemical shift scale
- zoom so largest peak is TMS
- Set Zero [SZ]
- Zoom Routine [ZO] or double click.
- Select region <left click>
- expand <right click> and drag
- Full spectrum <right click>
- Print out your spectrum [PL].
This page is maintained by
Scott Van Bramer
Department of Chemistry
Widener University
Chester, PA 19013
Please send any comments, corrections, or suggestions to
This page has been accessed
times since 1/5 /96 .
Last Updated 1/5/96Friday, July 05, 1996 12:01:25 PM