Using the WWW

Online Chemistry Course (OLCC) Chemical Safety: Protecting Ourselves And Our Environment Fall 2004.
Tools for Processing and Interpreting Spectral Data Fall 2004 Confchem Teaching Computing in Chemistry Courses September 17 - October 22, 2004

CCCE Newsletter

  1. Safety Information on the Web, CCCE Newsletter Fall 2004.

  2. Opera: A Web Browser for Teaching? Fall 2003.

  3. Developing Web Pages for Teaching, Part I - Introduction, CCCE Newsletter Spring 2002
  4. Developing Web Pages for Teaching, Part II - Creating Web Pages, CCCE Newsletter Fall 2002
  5. Developing Web Pages for Teaching, Part III - Advanced HTML Features, CCCE Newsletter Spring 2003

Developing Web Pages for Teaching

Applied Presentation Technologies in Higher Education

A very extensive web site containing tutorials and references about using technology in the classroom.

Workshops, seminars, and papers